An experts guide to the A-Z of all things Robotic Process Automation, Data Analytics, Intelligent Automation and Digital Transformation
Hey everyone,
Welcome to my series ‘An experts guide to the A-Z of all things Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Data Analytics (DA), Intelligent Automation (IA) and Digital Transformation (DT)’.
This is a LinkedIn series where I will be sharing a post starting with the letter “A” and ending with the letter “Z”. Over the next number of weeks you will learn tips and insights to build far greater understanding of Robot Process Automation, Intelligent Automation, Data Analytics and Digital Transformation.
I am using what I have learned about digital transformation, RPA and AI along side my 25 year plus business experience to give back to LinkedIn’s Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Intelligent Automation (IA), Data Analytics (DA) and Digital Transformation (DT) communities.
I have started this article to make it easier for people like yourself to follow along this series. I don’t want you to miss out on anything, and it is a great place to come back to for reference.
I hope that this series is very helpful and informative to you. I would love to read your comments, and hear your opinions so please engage and share any posts that you see fit to you.
If you would like to contribute ‘independent, vendor agnostic’ real world expertise to this series please do reach out to me.
A – is for Agile | Attended RPA | APIs | Artificial Intelligence | Accountability | Analytics
D – is for Developer | Digital | Data Scientist | Data | Data Analytics | Digital Transformation | Design Authority | Documentation | Deep Learning
G – Go For it | Governance | Git Hub | G-Suite
M – is for Money | Manual Processes | Machine learning | Mid-Market | Maintenance | MVP | Metrics
Q – is for QBR | Quality | Quit | Quantify | Queue | Question | Qualify | Queen Bee | Quantity | Q&A | Quest
T – is for Tool Kit | Testing | Tasks | Team Work | Try IT | Third Party | Technology
U – Unattended RPA | Unstructured | UX | User Community | Updates & Upgrades
V – Velocity | Visual Basic | Vendor | Viability | Value
W – is for Workflow Management | War for Talent | What is RPA
X – is for eXperience | CustomerX | Employee) | UX – User Experience
Y – Gen Y | Yottabyte (YB) | Yahoo | YouTube
Z – Gen Z | Zero based Coding | Zero Day Exploit | Zero Errors
What rules do you consider to be the most important A, B, Cs for RPA/ IA and digital transformation?
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